
Warning. The following publications may induce intense reasoning.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Better Things To Do

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Do you ever feel like you are not doing enough? Or that you are somehow not doing the "right" things?

Have you ever noticed how the larger part of your time is spent on doing what others want of you? Or how your main occupation does not reflect your dreams and ambitions?

If you nodded in agreement at any of the above questions, then you need to ask yourself, "What am I missing?"

And the answer is highly likely one or more of these three: Artistic creativity, volunteering with others, and going on adventures.

Artistic Creativity

Work does not only mean doing something for money. We often miss to notice that much of what we do is out of sheer joy. Playing games, organizing events, or helping friends out. Many things.

However, when we create something out of our own enthusiasm, regardless of others, a sensation of pride and achievement is manifest!

There are few things that we can do that satisfy our emotional needs, as creating out of sheer will does. A drawing, a sculpture, an accessory or device, and even just a brief text or recording.

Volunteering With Others

It seems that when nothing quite works for me, then I can always go and find someone else, even online, whom I can help and cheer. People appreciate kindness. And the amazing thing about it is that helping others, makes us feel achieving and positive, too!

It makes sense. When you help others, and improve their lives, then it creates a sort of promise of helping you in the future, and gives a feeling of security and comfort within your social circles.

Going On Adventures

When all else fails, go and do! Do not think. Do not plan. Do not seek understanding. Go, outside, or within, or even online, and seek new and exciting places, people, and ideas!

There is a misunderstanding, when it comes to achievements. Success is not only when we get the results we wanted. Success is also when things just work out, just because we kept on doing with a positive attitude and courage, even when there was nothing noticeable in sight, ahead.

So, to conclude, remember that there is always something to bring out to the world, regardless of circumstance or ideology. Keep on doing, keep on learning, and keep on having a blast, every day! :-)

Read 1 comment.

  1. This is my first blogcast to be recorded with the new microphone and audio interface! :-) Enjoy the great quality.


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